
Waterways Council, Inc. Airs New Television Commercial, “Keep America Moving”

Also Creates New Video Presentation About Critical Value of America’s Waterways, Transportation Mode

Washington, DC – Waterways Council, Inc. (WCI) has developed and begun airing in the Washington, DC market a new 30-second TV commercial, “Keep America Moving,” which highlights the critical value of the inland waterways system to jobs, to the environment and energy efficiency, and to traffic congestion relief.

WCI has also developed a 3-minute video presentation outlining many other reasons to appreciate the benefits that America’s waterways provide to commerce and to our quality of life.
(TV Commercial)
(Video Presentation)
“While our nation’s ports and waterways are vitally important to America’s economic well-being and they serve as a critical component of the intermodal transportation network, they are often out of sight, out of mind, or just not well understood. WCI’s TV commercial and video presentation help to explain and educate the American public on why our waterways are so very important to our economy, to the environment, to relieving traffic congestion, and more,” said Cornel Martin, President/CEO of Waterways Council, Inc.

Waterways Council, Inc. is the national public policy organization advocating a modern and well-maintained national system of ports and inland waterways. The group is supported by waterways carriers, shippers, port authorities, shipping associations and waterways advocacy groups from all regions of the country. Visit
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